Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Order types in foreign mkt

All or nothing

All or nothing simply means the quanitiy will be filled but price will not be guarantee...while limit price order will means the price will be guaranteed but the quantity will not be necessary be filled.

Got it?

If you choose limit price, day order, and the order is partially filled and the market close for the day, you have to pay for the commission and brokeage charges for whatever amount is filled.

Good till date
Your order will be open from a date till another date. The position can last for a range of 30 days.

Question: Is it 30 working days, market days or calendar days?

Hmm..i also not sure..have to research on that. some be exactly, its calendar days, considering all weekends. The critical thing is that if the last day, the 30th day must fall in a market day.
But wait, how abt public holiday in the 30 days, is it counted as a calendar day??...have to check again

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