Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Market price in foreign trading

Have you ever wonder why in US markets, when you key in market price, you wont necessary get the price you want?

Just my guess...beware im not totally sure..just an experience and will improvise my entries.

Prices stream to your brokeage (each brokage differs) may not be live stream and prices you see in your trading platfrom may be averages as the same counter may be listed in different exchanges. In US alone, there are many exchanges, thus the average price is computered into the system.

When the order is submitted, the order have to be routed to the exchange, thus the time taken for the order to be routed from your system to the exchange, if the counter is a fast trading stock, the price you see in your system may have differ and the price filled by the exchance will be higher or lower depending on the market condition of supply, demand, volume and price changes.

There are also different situations why the price wasnt filled as US have aution and dealer markets, each have different rules, and as well as your orders, is it a all or nothing order or market price order or etc...so much more..

Do contact your brokage to know why your price is filled at a different price if your price do get penetrated.

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