Friday, July 18, 2008

Cum and Ex date

If one buys shares during the cum dividend period, one will be entitled the dividends.

He or she can sell the shares on the Ex date, and still be entitled to the dividend.

Question, if one buys on the cum dividend date, and contra (sgx mkt) in the next day, which happens to be the ex dividend date, will one be entitled to the dividend still?

Ans: Yes, but most likely the share price on the ex date will drop.

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Preference shares in SGX

Have you notice that are some share with weird percentages in their names like the following: OCBC BLK 4.2%NPCS 100 or DBS BK 6% NCPS 10.

These are actually preference shares with no maturity date. These shares offer dividends percentages as reflected in their counter names.

OCBC preference shares

The Maturity date for this perference share is perpetual.


DBS preference shares details

Something new i just figure out today

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Order types in foreign mkt

All or nothing

All or nothing simply means the quanitiy will be filled but price will not be guarantee...while limit price order will means the price will be guaranteed but the quantity will not be necessary be filled.

Got it?

If you choose limit price, day order, and the order is partially filled and the market close for the day, you have to pay for the commission and brokeage charges for whatever amount is filled.

Good till date
Your order will be open from a date till another date. The position can last for a range of 30 days.

Question: Is it 30 working days, market days or calendar days?

Hmm..i also not sure..have to research on that. some be exactly, its calendar days, considering all weekends. The critical thing is that if the last day, the 30th day must fall in a market day.
But wait, how abt public holiday in the 30 days, is it counted as a calendar day??...have to check again

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Searching for the symbol in SGX

Sometimes you may encounter problem in finding the symbol for the share trading in SGX. You know of the name, but unaware of the symbol. Heres a tip:

Simply use your cursor and point to the stock u want, refer to the left corner of the got the symbol..haha..just a information.

Naked shorting in SGX

Just recently, i just learn this term, naked shorting.

Shorting refers to selling the shares first w/o owning the shares. But one can do naked shorting and covered shorting.

Shorting is disapproved in SGX and one need to cover his/her position by the end of the trading day.(How about other markets?)This practise is naked shorting.

While there is a "non naked" shorting means borrowing shares from brokeages, and paying them back the difference. CFD is the term, contracts for difference. And only certain brokages offer this services.

Non board lots trading in SGX market

There are shares such as SIA 200, OCBC preference shares NPC 100, Creative 50, these shares trade in terms of the volume as stated in their counter.

Sometimes, ppl who trade 5 lots SIA 200 and wanting to sell them under SIA as 1 lot. This means submitting the order as a different symbol. If the SIA 200 is a free balance, most likely i guess, one can sell it as a board lot under SIA symbol.

Ok back with some long you have the appropriate number of shares for that 1 lot of SIA, you can sell them under the different symbol as the quantity is right despite having the counter not being a free balance.

Free balance simply means you have paid for the shares.

Market price in foreign trading

Have you ever wonder why in US markets, when you key in market price, you wont necessary get the price you want?

Just my guess...beware im not totally sure..just an experience and will improvise my entries.

Prices stream to your brokeage (each brokage differs) may not be live stream and prices you see in your trading platfrom may be averages as the same counter may be listed in different exchanges. In US alone, there are many exchanges, thus the average price is computered into the system.

When the order is submitted, the order have to be routed to the exchange, thus the time taken for the order to be routed from your system to the exchange, if the counter is a fast trading stock, the price you see in your system may have differ and the price filled by the exchance will be higher or lower depending on the market condition of supply, demand, volume and price changes.

There are also different situations why the price wasnt filled as US have aution and dealer markets, each have different rules, and as well as your orders, is it a all or nothing order or market price order or much more..

Do contact your brokage to know why your price is filled at a different price if your price do get penetrated.

Intention of this blog

I have been wanting to write down my experiences as a private noobish trader as well as what i do. Being able to write down, reflect on it, i may able to gain much more as i will think through abt how exactly the trading world works and what actually its not and the unique cases which i encounter.

Is trading a passion or a ticket which im eligible to use to get out of this rat race? I'm not sure...

Beware that information from this blog is not intented to be taken seriously as a advice or recommendations...but can be read do realise its a blog not a financial blogging as a identity of a average person learning the ropes of this trade and sharing this experience.

Most likely in this beginning stage of blogging, my entries will be messy with no sense of catorgising, once i know whats my contents are focus at, i will organise in a searchable manner.